Early Church Fathers Scripture Index : Texts

Exodus 19:18

There are 2 footnotes for this reference.

Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 5, page 555, footnote 6 (Image)

Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Novatian, Appendix

Cyprian. (HTML)

The Treatises of Cyprian. (HTML)

Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews. (HTML)
Book III. (HTML)
That the Holy Spirit has frequently appeared in fire. (HTML)CCEL Footnote 4595 (In-Text, Margin)

In Exodus: “And the whole of Mount Sinai smoked, because God had come down upon it in fire.”[Exodus 19:18] Also in the Acts of the Apostles: “And suddenly there was made a sound from heaven, as if a vehement blast were borne along, and it filled the whole of that place in which they were sitting. And there appeared to them cloven tongues as if of fire, which also settled upon each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” Also in the sacrifices, whatsoever God accounted accepted, fire descended from heaven, which consumed what was ...

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1, Volume 3, page 49, footnote 4 (Image)

Augustine: On the Holy Trinity, Doctrinal Treatises, Moral Treatises

Doctrinal Treatises of St. Augustin (HTML)

On the Holy Trinity. (HTML)

The equality of the Trinity maintained against objections drawn from those texts which speak of the sending of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (HTML)
Of the Appearance on Sinai. Whether the Trinity Spake in that Appearance or Some One Person Specially. (HTML)
CCEL Footnote 297 (In-Text, Margin)

25. But now of the clouds, and voices, and lightnings, and the trumpet, and the smoke on Mount Sinai, when it was said, “And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire, and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace; and all the people that was in the camp trembled; and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice.”[Exodus 19:18-19] And a little after, when the Law had been given in the ten commandments, it follows in the text, “And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking.” And a little after, “And [when the people saw it,] they removed ...

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